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Welcome To The Norfolk Historical Society

Committed to preserving the diverse history of the Norfolk, Virginia area.

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Hearts of Oakum: Sailors and Sea Chanteys in the American Revolution

  • Wednesday, June 13, 2018
  • 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM
  • MacArthur Memorial Visitor Center Theater

Hearts of Oakum: Sailors and Sea Chanteys in the American Revolution

A sailor’s life could be hard in the 18th and early 19th centuries, but the drudgery of work was relieved by the singing of shipboard work songs, or chanteys, which set a cadence for routine tasks and helped to alleviate boredom. Please join us on June 13 for a trip back in time as The Bosun's Call, a Hampton Roads quartet, performs historically accurate folk songs, chanteys, and ballads of the sea. The group specializes in naval uniforms, customs, and songs from the Age of Sail. "Splice the mainbrace! Huzza!"

MacArthur Memorial Visitor Center Theater

Wednesday, 13 June 2018, 7:00 PM

FREE and open to the public


We welcome you to contact us!  The Norfolk Historical Society maintains space at Historic Fort Norfolk (c. 1810).  We are also available via mail, e-mail, and social media.


Fort Norfolk
810 Front Street
Norfolk, VA 23510


Norfolk Historical Society
P.O. Box 6367
Norfolk, Virginia 23508-0367

(757) 754-2004


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