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Welcome To The Norfolk Historical Society

Committed to preserving the diverse history of the Norfolk, Virginia area.

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By donating to the Norfolk Historical Society, you help us preserve and share Norfolk history with citizens and visitors alike.

The Norfolk Historical Society is a 501 (C) (3) organization. Your generous donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.

 A financial statement is available to potential donors upon written request from the Office of Charitable and Regulatory Programs, Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. For further info, contact

Use the form below to contribute online.  You have the option of using your debit card or a VISA, MasterCard, Discover or American Express credit card. A small service fee will be subtracted from the amount that you donate after you complete the transaction.

If you wish to donate by mail, please send your check made payable to:

Norfolk Historical Society

P.O. Box 6367

Norfolk, Virginia 23508-0367

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*Donation Designation
Please select one or more of the above areas to which you would like your donation to be applied. Your donation will be divided equally among your choices unless you specify otherwise.
*Street Address
We welcome you to contact us!  The Norfolk Historical Society maintains space at Historic Fort Norfolk (c. 1810).  We are also available via mail, e-mail, and social media.


Fort Norfolk
810 Front Street
Norfolk, VA 23510


Norfolk Historical Society
P.O. Box 6367
Norfolk, Virginia 23508-0367

(757) 754-2004


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