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Welcome To The Norfolk Historical Society

Committed to preserving the diverse history of the Norfolk, Virginia area.

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Norfolk's Cemeteries & the Garden Movement

  • Sunday, August 23, 2015
  • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
  • Chrysler Museum of Art

Flowers spring eternal in this afternoon program at the Museum. Josh Weinstein of the Norfolk Society for Cemetery Conservation and Alex Mann, the Brock Curator of American Art at the Chrysler Museum, discuss how the Garden Movement was a catalyst for the establishment of many of Norfolk's historic cemeteries, and how conservation volunteers continue to work to preserve these bastions of nature and art.

Arrive early and view the exhibition “The Artist's Garden: American Impressionism and the Garden Movement, 1887–1920.” The beautiful paintings of gardens and flowers by top American Impressionists will be on display until September 6, 2015. The Museum’s hours are 10:00 to 5:00 on Tuesday through Saturday and noon to 5:00 PM on Sunday. The Museum is closed on Mondays.


Free and open to the public. No reservation necessary. 


We welcome you to contact us!  The Norfolk Historical Society maintains space at Historic Fort Norfolk (c. 1810).  We are also available via mail, e-mail, and social media.


Fort Norfolk
810 Front Street
Norfolk, VA 23510


Norfolk Historical Society
P.O. Box 6367
Norfolk, Virginia 23508-0367

(757) 754-2004


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